our project

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Re: our project

Postby piquet95971 » 01 Jan 2015, 17:22

Finally, I am fairly sure that I have the accelerator pedal arrangements working. Although I'm not sure that it is in the correct position to drive the boat comfortably. Only time will tell. I have set it up to use left foot for the throttle pedal. But at least it works.

Now that The other things have been overcome I will prime the oil system. I know I've been saying that for almost a week but other things sort of took over.

My mate has only made a slight improvement and is not having visitors at this time. I sort of don't think he's going to beat this but miracles sometimes happen.

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Re: our project

Postby piquet95971 » 02 Jan 2015, 21:50

Geez it not half hot. It was too hot for doing much on the boat at all.

I did drill 4 holes for the bracket for the morse cable mount the I migrated to the pool and vacuumed it from in the pool. Mm nice. I achieved a couple of things , cooled off and cleaned the pool at the same time.
It's supposed to be hotter again tomorrow. I might just get a couple of things done in the morning and then call it quits.
I'm hoping to go to the Patterson River on Sunday and see if this thing floats. I remember the ramps there from my daughters' kayaking days and they are fairly good.

I know the bilge pump works so I shouldn't have too many problems getting excess water out if it leaks that bad. May even put some water in the boat tomorrow and start the swelling process. I have had water in it in the past and it seemed reasonably tight then.

All will be revealed

In case I get pinged by the water police I will put the fire extinguisher, paddle, bucket and PFDs in the boat. I rang vicroads previously about what was required to put it in the water without being registered. They sounded like I was asking for the moon. The matter isn't addressed in the vicroads boating safety handbook. Nor is the matter addressed if the boat is just floating not underway.

Maybe I'm splitting straws!

Wish me luck.

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Re: our project

Postby Greg » 02 Jan 2015, 22:06


It's a clinker and a clinker that's been out of the water for some time, so it will leak. I would most definitely be some putting water in it now.

As for unregistered, if you are not going to run it, leave the battery out. It's then a row boat, although it might be tricky running the bilge pump.

Good luck.

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Re: our project

Postby piquet95971 » 02 Jan 2015, 22:17

thanks Greg
I'm not sure how long this log has been out of the water. I've had it for nearly 5 years and it has been dry most of that time. I dont know how long that the previous owner had it before he got sick of it, so it could easily be 10 plus years.
I have a piece of perspex somewhere with a NSW waterways sticker on it. That will at least tell me when it was last registered. Not that it really matters

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Re: our project

Postby piquet95971 » 03 Jan 2015, 14:10

A few tidy up items this morning before the heat got too much.
No start on the engine yet it is just too hot for doing stuff like that.
I have bolted down the bracket for the throttle cable mount and just tidied up a few things. Screwed the floor boards down put the seat frames back in and that sort of stuff.
Put the hose in the boat and put about 3-4 " of water in this thing. It's like a rain storm under the boat. I hope it takes up, cause there are a lot of leaks not to the extent that it is coming out faster than it went in but there are leaks between planks, through nails and through the planks to the transom. I though that I had glued that reall well.

I did notice that at least one leak started to slow down after about 5 minutes.
Found the perspex side window for the boat the rego Sticker from MSB Waterways shows that it was last registered February 1993. The tag serial number is A127627.
I have previously contacted the NSW boat registration authorities what ever they are called this week and they didn't exactly do handsprings to be of assistance.

So there is every chance that this boat has not been in the water for at least 22 years. No wonder it leaks so much. It may take anoither 22 years for it to take up!!!

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Re: our project

Postby Greg » 03 Jan 2015, 16:32

Stormy was dry for 22 years. It took a couple of weeks and a heap of water to get it tight again, but when it did take up, it was surprisingly good.

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Re: our project

Postby piquet95971 » 03 Jan 2015, 20:07

Some of the leaks have started to slow down. I have put the launch date off till next weekend. That way there is a chance that the hull might have taken up but it also gives me a week to get the engine running. Maybe I can have a launch day and it's first cruise on the same day. I won't be venturing too far from the slipway first time out, just in case it doesn't all work out.

After all this work I'm very cautious. Me paranoid? No, just cautious and not wanting to make a goose of myself first time out.

There is not a lot to do to get it running probably 1/2 days work.
Tomorrow I'll drain the water out of the hull. Set up an engine flushing system and see if I can get water to flow through the cooling system and out the exhaust? All the plumbing is connected and it should be fine. Time will tell.

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Re: our project

Postby piquet95971 » 04 Jan 2015, 16:25

Well, this morning was a big step.
I was looking forward to putting the boat in the water today but Megan suggested that we leave it until next weekend and spend today to get the boat running.
This morning I pulled the distributor out and tried to prime the oil system but I didnt have the right tool required. So put the distributor back into the engine.
I pulled the spark plugs out, hooked up the battery squirted some bike chain lube on the starter motor bendix as it had dried out over the years and hit the start switch.
I turned it over probably for about 2 minutes until it started to spin freely.
Turned everything off and then hooked up a very sophisticated fuel system. Rubber Hose and a funnel, Filled the fuel bowl up, checked the squirters and they were pumping fuel.

Got a fire extinguisher just incase it decided to something really silly. Turned it over after refitting the sparkplugs.

It tried to start and then backfired. I checked the plug leads, only to find that I had put a couple in the wrong position. Found the manual and put the plug leads in the right places and tried again. This time I gave it a bit of choke and it suddenly roared into life. It sure did stink though. Stale oil in bores and dust etc out through the exhaust. I couldn't run it too long as I haven't hooked up a cooling system bypass yet. So it has run for about a minute so far but I am happy that it even did that after all this time.

But by Gosh, it actually ran and was reasonably quiet, the engine that is. The exhaust note was a bit loud but that will come down once the water flows through the system.
At this stage the launch and first cruise will be sometime next weekend weather depending. I can hardly wait.
Still have a few things to do though.
Last edited by piquet95971 on 04 Jan 2015, 20:40, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: our project

Postby Greg » 04 Jan 2015, 18:54

Ah Pete, reading your last post brought back some memories.

Stormy the same. Y block, 22 years since it last ran, gravity fuel system rigged up, electrical short in the distributor - fixed, fair bit of cranking, poured some (heaps) fuel down the carbie throats, then off she went. Filled the shed with dust and oil smoke and started every dog within cooee barking. Fantastic!!!

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Re: our project

Postby piquet95971 » 04 Jan 2015, 21:10

Thanks Greg it was a surprise that it started so easily.
I have since filled it up with water again to get it to take up a bit more. There is still one area that is still dripping a fair bit. I will leave it over night again and see how it is in the morning.

Not sure what safety gear I have to gave on the boat for use on the Patterson river. Re read the boating handbook and was typically unclear. Can't find if it is inland waters, enclosed waters or coastal waters

PFD yes, paddles yes, torch yes, bailer yes, Flares ?, anchor and cable ?.

What was required when you guys did the Yarra/Maribynong cruise?

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