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Re: Invader

Postby lewisinfo » 08 May 2014, 08:51

HI In a reply to your question on cav plates the brass plate was fastened around the edge with nails and roves about an inch and half and across the forward edge screwed into the tuck.We only used a grade of brass sheet called " half hard "about a sixteenth of an [nch .That was let into the plank at the forward edge so as to be level. I hope this helps. Ron Lewisinfo.

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Re: Invader

Postby screwit » 08 May 2014, 10:01

Thanks Ron , I have 1mm s/s to do the job { free bee }
Ron, what do you mean by the " Tuck "


Re: Invader

Postby Reklaw » 08 May 2014, 16:23

Tuck = Transom or the lump of wood that forms the back of the boat.

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Re: Invader

Postby screwit » 08 May 2014, 19:43

Thanks for that I have heard it spoken but did not know what it was . Learn some thing new every day !!!

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Re: Invader

Postby screwit » 14 May 2014, 21:14

To day I have completed the gunwale edge by sanding the surface and trial fitting of the timbers to make sure the two surfaces meet nice all the length of the hull.
The timbers removed again and the hull and the inside of the timbers have been coated with three coats of varnish to seal the edges that will be screwed together and hopefully I will not get any water seep under the ply deck when completed.
Tomorrow I will try and clean up the out side of the of the timbers to remove any bumps and nicks that they have had over the years. When they are refitted, I will only have to flush the top to the deck and start the clear coating of the timbers [4 coats] to catch up to the rest of the deck
The timbers are held with bronze screws and counter sank just below the surface . It was not plugged as some boats are .

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Re: Invader

Postby screwit » 15 May 2014, 22:10

Tonight , I fitted the timbers , flushed them , sanded them , and coated them with varnish with a rag applicator , rubbing in the paint into the grain.
Looks good ,, more paint tomorrow night.

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Re: Invader

Postby screwit » 18 May 2014, 22:26

re sanded the edge's again and brushed a thick coat around the gunwales again to build up the paint thickness. you don't have to do much to keep progress going . weather is good at the moment helps !!

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Re: Invader

Postby Greg » 20 May 2014, 21:56

Dropped past Ross's today and had a look at Invader. The boat is really coming along nicely. The fitment of the gunwales has really finished the deck off. Here's a few pics:

2014-05-17_16 13 04.jpg
2014-05-17_16 13 04.jpg (244.82 KiB) Viewed 14810 times

2014-05-17_16 10 11.jpg
2014-05-17_16 10 11.jpg (241.42 KiB) Viewed 14807 times

2014-05-17_14 48 40.jpg
2014-05-17_14 48 40.jpg (267.93 KiB) Viewed 14815 times

2014-05-17_14 48 04.jpg
2014-05-17_14 48 04.jpg (300.05 KiB) Viewed 14814 times

2014-05-17_14 46 54.jpg
2014-05-17_14 46 54.jpg (294.37 KiB) Viewed 14809 times

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Re: Invader

Postby bootlegger » 21 May 2014, 16:41

Thats looking awsome ross.

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Re: Invader

Postby WoodRay » 21 May 2014, 20:16

Hi Ross,
she looks the goods, very nice indeed!
What engine set up will you be running in it?

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