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1960's winged Lewis runabout

Posted: 01 Jun 2023, 21:31
by Chivs
Fully restored 1960's winged Lewis with a new Peterson dry sump set up on a 4 bolt main 350 Chev with new dog clutch. The boat is based at Hobart, Tasmania and I will consider offers over $20,000.
If you are truly serious about this boat I encourage you to look at "Readers Boats" on this club web site, where you will find some history of this boat "Torea" which has spent most of its operational life in South Australia.
I bought the boat from club member Bob Carter and have fully documented my restoration story on this site on the bulletin board Main Room, scroll down to "A Tasmanian Experience". The story starts on page 15 and runs through to about page 45. After the restoration I have pretty much documented every time I have used Torea with photos etc and as you will find out, it has had very little use!
I have posted some video on the CAWPBA Facebook site of Torea underway but if you can't find it I am happy to forward whatever you need if interested, cheers.

Re: 1960's winged Lewis runabout

Posted: 27 Feb 2024, 22:44
by Chivs
Dragged Torea out of shed today gave her a wash and a run on the hose as I’m going to add the video of her running on the clubs Facebook page as being for sale. This also shows the engineered extended draw for easy launch and retrieval that may not of been posted before?

Re: 1960's winged Lewis runabout

Posted: 23 Jan 2025, 07:42
by Chivs
Well Torea has been on the market for nearly 12 months and I am still interested in selling her. I understand the risk of buying something with a second hand motor and with that in mind I would like to offer a second option of buying her without engine and dog clutch for $10,000. I may be able to assist with delivery?

Re: 1960's winged Lewis runabout

Posted: 23 Jan 2025, 17:11
by Greg
Alan/Darren, that bloke we spoke to at the VSBC meet - the shearer from Kyneton. Just the boat he was looking for??