Savage Vendetta - 60's clinker, looking for original pics.

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Re: Savage Vendetta - 60's clinker, looking for original pics.

Postby mikey123 » 11 Apr 2012, 16:54

here are the photo's (I hope).
myBoatApr2012 001.JPG
myBoatApr2012 001.JPG (74.86 KiB) Viewed 23523 times
myBoatApr2012 003.JPG
myBoatApr2012 003.JPG (64.21 KiB) Viewed 23521 times
myBoatApr2012 004.JPG
myBoatApr2012 004.JPG (75.79 KiB) Viewed 23517 times
myBoatApr2012 006.JPG
myBoatApr2012 006.JPG (76.35 KiB) Viewed 23518 times
myBoatApr2012 008.JPG
myBoatApr2012 008.JPG (80.98 KiB) Viewed 23514 times
myBoatApr2012 005.JPG
myBoatApr2012 005.JPG (71.45 KiB) Viewed 23509 times

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Re: Savage Vendetta - 60's clinker, looking for original pics.

Postby mikey123 » 11 Apr 2012, 17:09

As you can see, I have turned it back into a two cockpit boat, and thrown out the old engine cover.
I've made new engine mounts, and have fitted the engine in. I've got it to sit a bit lower than before, and the drive shaft is more straight inline with the jet.
I pulled the engine out again to fix a few oil leaks and I also put a rebuild kit on the carby. (well I got my father-in-law to do that for me actually). It runs pretty nice. Yes, I'll take the mufflers off before putting it in the water !.
Currently I need 2 batteries to get it started though. I'll have to figure out how change that. Maybe I just need a better single battery.

I've got the 3mm ply ready to go on as the sub-deck, then I'm intending to put 3mm solid oak planks, or similar, on top. Is that a good way to go ? when I got it, it just had 3mm ply as the finished deck. I'm a bit concerned about making it heavier by adding the planks. I'll put it in the water before I do the planks, and see how it sits I reckon.

I found a copy of the original owner service manual for the hamilton Jet (colorado) that is in it. If anyone is experienced with these jets, I'd appreciate any more info on what I should do to it before firing it up.
I'm a bit concerned that there is no clutch for the jet. Is that normal ? will I be able to control the boat at idle with the reverse deflector ?

Still needing Gauges, dash (I have a nice old curly walnut bedhead to cut that out of), reversing lever/mechanism, replace the steering mechanisms, and lots more i'm sure.

thanks for looking.
see you at Goolwa maybe ?

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Re: Savage Vendetta - 60's clinker, looking for original pics.

Postby Alan » 11 Apr 2012, 19:48

Keep your eyes peeled for the club logo and your sure to find a few of us.Hope to catch up would love to have a chat.

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Re: Savage Vendetta - 60's clinker, looking for original pics.

Postby NPeth » 11 Apr 2012, 20:32

Hi Mike,
My boat runs an MEC Jet but it think it should be pretty much the same. Jet boats don't normally run a clutch and mine uses the Jet the pump water through the engine so stopping the jet spinning would be a bad idea. I don't have a reversing bucket on mine but if you have the bucket at 90 degrees the jet will be going straight down and the boat won't move, pull it further round and the jet stream will be directed under the boat and it will go backwards. Make sure that the bearing is well greased at all times and if jet is running out of the water the bush will wear out, unless a stream of water is aimed at the jet. If the bush wears the impeller will move side to side and rapidly wear out and impeller fit is critical to good performance Mine has a fitting in the center at the rear to fit a hose to if running it out of the water.
When driving it remember that the jet also provides the steering- turn the motor of and your steering goes. Jet boats are heaps of fun though as they drift beautifully. Wish I was going to Goolwa :x

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Re: Savage Vendetta - 60's clinker, looking for original pics.

Postby DaveD » 12 Apr 2012, 00:37

Hi Mike,
The club banner will be up on Sunday and as Alan said you should see a few of us around wearing T-shirts with the club logo.

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Re: Savage Vendetta - 60's clinker, looking for original pics.

Postby rayza1 » 12 Apr 2012, 08:59

Hey Mike boats looking cool! Need to catch up for a yak about the repairs to the top plank, need to do something similar to Taurus. Ray

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Re: Savage Vendetta - 60's clinker, looking for original pics.

Postby mikey123 » 12 Apr 2012, 10:56

thanks for the replies folks.

Good point about the water supply coming from the jet, so a clutch isn't practical unless there is some other way to cool the engine. That's how mine works also. I hadn't considered that, so a clutch is a no-go.
In regard to the steering, just curious, mine has twin rudders on the back, either side of the jet. is that normal ?

Ray, did you mean those earlier photos showing the rotten top plank ? I've actually had a crack at fixing that already. I'll upload a better more recent photo showing the repair. Let me know if i've done it wrong. It's not elegant, butI reckon it will be ok, but some of the copper studs (not sure what they are called ?) are still sitting a bit proud of the timber. I've user copper screws in a couple of spots where I couldn't get access to put the rivet things in properly. I've used plenty of sikaflex to hold it in also. That stuff seems to be as strong as any glue i've used on the boat.


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Re: Savage Vendetta - 60's clinker, looking for original pics.

Postby mikey123 » 12 Apr 2012, 11:01

these two rotten plank were actually the only non-original planks on the boat. So, I mean they had already been repaired, but whoever did the repair used mild steel screws, and possibly not marine ply, so both repairs were already rotten.
Here is my attempt at repairing the rotten planks.
myBoat2April2012 001.JPG
myBoat2April2012 001.JPG (60.55 KiB) Viewed 23352 times
myBoat2April2012 002.JPG
myBoat2April2012 002.JPG (48.75 KiB) Viewed 23346 times
myBoat2April2012 004.JPG
myBoat2April2012 004.JPG (61.94 KiB) Viewed 23340 times

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Re: Savage Vendetta - 60's clinker, looking for original pics.

Postby mikey123 » 16 Jun 2014, 12:19

Well it has been a long time since my last update on this project.

I have just managed to put it in the water to test the jet and motor...., boat still strapped to the trailer, and still without the deck in place.

I have uploaded a couple of videos to youtube of the jet running.

If anyone knows anything about old hamilton jets, and wants to comment on anything odd or unusual that they notice, that would be great.

Mike H

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Re: Savage Vendetta - 60's clinker, looking for original pics.

Postby screwit » 16 Jun 2014, 16:57

That's looking great so far .
I worry about the solid planking on a deck as they tend to move a lot and the joins between the planks open up, I think the best way to do it if you go a head is to vee the joints and use a flexible sealant between them.
Or use timber veneer strips on the ply deck.
I haven't done one my self but have see some nice looking decks turn bad once exposed to the water and air, paint cracking on the joins and timber shrinking and swelling and buckling and after so much work it is gut retching
Better to rougher in the lines on the ply deck, paint the groove and polish or stain the deck .
Some one who has done this may be able to add or correct me on this.

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