our project

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Re: our project

Postby piquet95971 » 09 Jul 2011, 19:41

Friday in Melbourne, weather not great showers all over the place especially where I had to work so only a half day at work and a half on the boat.

Finished with the heatgunn in the bilge for the time being. Probably have removed about 90% of the paint. It's all the deeply ingrained stuff that will be hard to get rid of. Not sure how that is going to be done maybe paint stripper we will see.

Have removed the foredeck plywood and trimmed it to fit neatly. Did the same with the after deck plywood. Trimmed the plywood for the engine hatch

If SWMBO is amenable I might get the engine hatch plywood glued and nailed tomorrow.

I have been checking the ribs and there are some loose fastenings. So I may think about renailing and roving all the ribs. I am already looking at replacing 18 ribs in the middle of the boat where they were burnt by a fire in the engine compartment. I could be convinced that re ribbing the whole boat may be the way to go!!! But that is a lot of work that I wasn't planning on doing.

I have located some long lengths of Huon pine for the deck outside the cockpit line. So that missing bit has been resolved. Have found a piece 3.9mtr x 175 x27 mm.
Monday I hope to pick it up and also get a piece of Amoora 2.4 mtr x150 x 38mm from which I will get most if not all the all that I need for the strips for the contrast against the Huon Pine

I will keep the updates coming if you guys like

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Re: our project

Postby bauchy » 09 Jul 2011, 21:10

hey peter, sounds like you are getting there. if you are going to rerove the hull why not sand inside and polish a section at a time while you have the ribs out? will be easy and make a realy neat job

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Re: our project

Postby piquet95971 » 11 Oct 2011, 20:46

In another post I put up a bit about the paint stripper that I have used.
I have been busy doing a lot of things that take time but dont seem to really show a lot of progress in the whole project.
I have been working on things like cutting out the holes for the instruments in the dash panel, making the "glove box" and fitting to the deck beams.
The underside of the foredeck has been varnished as have all the foredeck deck beams and stringers. The engine bearers and the

I am going to Sydney this weekend as I have bought a couple of lengths of Honduras Mahogany for the deck. I bought 2 pieces 1800 long 25 mm thick and 1 @400 mm wide the other @ 270mm. I should get all that I need for the deck strips from those couple of pieces. They are my daughters flat in Berala and I really think that she wants them out of her bedroom!!!! Cant really understand why!

If I have time I might call into Trend Timbers and get a bit of Silver Ash for the coaming of the boat. Then I have just about all that I need to really get stuck into the resto now that the weather is getting better and that daylight saving has started.

I have all the Deck beams made, the foredeck and aft deck plywood is cut, trial fitted and ready to install. The centre cockpit section and the engine cover are all made ready to be installed. Spotted Gum ribs are all machined ready for installation. Engine bearers are made all varnished ready for installation. Inner deck coaming is made and has been trial fitted. I have been out looking for the correct period fasteners and despite being hard to find I think I have just about enough on hand now. I will probably use phillips head where they cant be easily seen or will be covered by the deck strip planking, coaming etc. So really probably the only things left that I have to get timber for are the two bilge stringers.

I will try and get some photos of where we are up to posted and also of the paint stripper results.


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Re: our project

Postby hookster » 12 Oct 2011, 07:05

Hi Peter, I read some of your earlier postings re seeking blackwood. It seems that you have sourced all the timber you need, but for your info I do have a reasonable amount of blackwood stashed in Tassie. It has been racked up for years now and is all in 1" thick boards of various widths, some up to 7" or 8" wide and either 8' or 12' long. It is black as you'll ever see, but I have not checked the condition for some time now, and plan on making a trip down there to get it all .... but as Chivs knows, my plans seem to get put aside for more important things at home. If you are prepared to wait til I can get down there (god knows when that will be) I will check it out and see whether it is all still ok. I also have myrtle, celery top slabs and heaps of King Billy slabs too.

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Re: our project

Postby Greg » 12 Oct 2011, 09:32

Re all that good timber - that cat's out of the bag now!

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Re: our project

Postby hookster » 13 Oct 2011, 08:34

He he, I was just using it as an opportunity to brag Greg :lol: Seriously though, there is a fair bit there, I flogged my guts out for three years down the west coast of Tassie getting it all, I just hope it's still all ok. When I eventually get it back over here, I'll itemise it all, and if people are interested in some, I'd be happy to flog a bit of it off here and there. There's probably even a decent enough piece of huon pine limbwood which Chivs could use as a mast on Tomboy :lol:

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Re: our project

Postby piquet95971 » 13 Oct 2011, 08:50

Thank you very much for the offer
It's amazing how ones ideas change as different types of timbers become available.
Yes, I was considering using blackwood but now that the Mahogany has become available I have changed my mind and decided to go with that timber.
I will be getting it back from Sydney this weekend and probably have a good look at it before I start cutting it up. I will be getting the paint stripper also this weekend and really get stuck into the bow sectionof the boat during next week.


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Re: our project

Postby Chivs » 13 Oct 2011, 09:04

Hookster hookster HOOKS, what wood! Posession is nine tenths of the law cock, so who wants to buy some wood from me :P

All those doors might be useful to make tables out of too, anyone want some old wooden doors :twisted:

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Re: our project

Postby hookster » 13 Oct 2011, 15:40

Chivs it wouldn't be the first time that some of that wood was the subject of an investigation :lol:

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Re: our project

Postby piquet95971 » 16 Oct 2011, 19:29

On way back from Sydney having picked up the mahogany. It looks great even in the rough sawn state. Can't wait to getvitvhome and dress some to have a good look at it.

Hopefully get home early tomorrow before lunch, no work booked in so have at least Monday to do some more stripping and cleaning of the focstle /bow area of the boat.

Have to admit the weather in Sydney was really nice, 24degrees and light breezes
More info soon

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