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Re: Invader

Postby screwit » 23 Sep 2018, 09:28

Well after a good run at the VSBC 70th and having the steering cable pull through two cable clamps was time to replace the cracked quadrent .
A new one was made and fitted and a new cable fitted and rerouted to join on the side of the cockpit.
When fitting the rudder it was found to be warped from heat so 25mm was cut off the bottom to fix that .
Next was to try a different prop l got from a swap meet with a light mounted on it !
Test run on friday reveiled the boat no longer listing to the rh side at higher rpm but listing a little to the left at high speed and running higher revs at same speed.
Prop was a 9 3/4 diamiter 3 blade with more pitch than the two blade l was running.
But boat was much better to steer and didnt need to hang on at 6000 rpm .
So next step is to cut a 1/2 " off the two blade diamiter and give it another run .

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Re: Invader

Postby Greg » 23 Sep 2018, 20:34

Like a true skiff owner/driver Ross. Lots of trial and error and tweaking and test runs getting it all sorted out.

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Re: Invader

Postby screwit » 29 Sep 2018, 19:15

Prop has been trimed to 10 1/4" and a little off the leading edge near the hub to make the blade area smaller and thinned the edges down as it was getting thicker as it was reduced in diameter.
A quick static balance and fitted ready to test.

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Re: Invader

Postby screwit » 21 Nov 2018, 13:17

Today l have refitted the reset trailer springs .
Being some sort of car / truck springs of unknown origin the clearance between frame and ubolts was down to 20 mm and they had a negative arch ,this has got worse over the last 12 months.
So $150 later and we now have 2 1/2 ", this should be better now for the next outing .

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Re: Invader

Postby screwit » 16 Mar 2020, 16:55

Well lm back at the rudder after Boort.
I have repaired the thread by drilling and tapping the end of the shaft a inserted a 14mm
High tensile all thred and locktight
That can be used for testing .
Have made a new rudder useing a prop shaft and 8mm steel blade .
Will get a new quadrent to use with it .
This will let me change the shape to help handling for testing .cutting and adding as needed.

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Re: Invader

Postby screwit » 14 Jun 2020, 12:40

Well it's time to get back to the boat .
Have tested the orignal rudder that the boat ran with with all the farmers alterations and weld / bronzeing last time we had it in the water .
The boat was very flighty at high speed and listing and pulling to the left . So now l have got the new rudder l made, witch is the same shape as the bronze one l was running , and l ground the forward edge on about 60 degrees. That puts the sharp edge off centre to the left .
My therery is that ground edge will help keep the boat from pulling to the left and hopefully help the listing -rolling to the left .
Next is to get a keyway cut for the new quadrent and fit it .

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Re: Invader

Postby Reklaw » 16 Jun 2020, 20:07

Will be interesting to see if the rudder alterations fix the problem Ross.

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Re: Invader

Postby Darren » 17 Jun 2020, 21:56

Good to see if makes a difference Ross. Is there any possibility the problem may be putting 200 more horsepower in the boat than its probably ever had....

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Re: Invader

Postby screwit » 01 Aug 2020, 20:28

Well today we had a test run with the new rudder.
The angle l ground on the front edge of the rudder did stop the boat pulling hard to the left and now pulls to the right a little bit.
So the front will need a little grinding on the opposite side to tune it to a nutral centre.
This was a great outcome today.

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Re: Invader

Postby Doc » 02 Aug 2020, 07:21

How true is your front turning fin ?

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