The Paynesville Classic Boat Rally Feb 28th To March 1st 2020

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The Paynesville Classic Boat Rally Feb 28th To March 1st 2020

Postby WoodRay » 14 Nov 2019, 21:40

Hi All,

Ross Foster and I were asked to meet with some members of the rally committee so we could have input into the organising the event so it could better support the inclusion of our power boats for the "Parade of Power"
Some would remember that previous events only supported our boats via an "On land display"
Next years event will now include "demonstration runs" of our boats and others that fall into the power boat category in the "Parade of Power".

So far the developments are as follows:
1. The "Parade of Power" will occur on the Sunday
2. Entry must be done using the On land entry form on the website. Once you complete the on land entry you will receive and email for the on water component.
3. We will have a speed dispensation for the waterway to allow our boats to operate at the required speeds for the demo runs
4. The "Parade of Power" is separate to Saturdays "Grand Parade" (Grand Parade limited to 5 knots) and will include small motor boats and alike and you can participate in that if you wish.
5. We have asked for specific requirements regarding number of laps (warm ups), continued ramp access for those leaky boats and safety, waterways equipment requirements and dispensations, safety boat, turn buoys, exclusions zones and markers, grouping of boats in each run, etc
6. The committee will be meeting next Wednesday and we will know more hopefully. Please keep an eye out on their page ... oup_header
7. This is their event and they have asked for our input. Don't shoot the messenger if the outcome doesn't suite you!
8. I will endeavour to keep everyone updated but please get the word out and check the website.
9. The on land booking page is ... VCakBUPg4A
Again you will need to book for the on land display and you will then receive an email confirmation for the on water display (separate registration form - no cost)



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Re: The Paynesville Classic Boat Rally Feb 28th To March 1st 2020

Postby Greg » 15 Nov 2019, 10:39

Great job fellas.

Finally, these show organisers are starting to listen to us. Our group as well as other power boat groups can add so much to these shows if we are only given the chance to display them properly.

Looking forward to hearing more from next week's meeting.

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Re: The Paynesville Classic Boat Rally Feb 28th To March 1st 2020

Postby WoodRay » 23 Nov 2019, 06:58

Ok here's an update from the last Paynesville Classic Committee meeting as messaged to me.

"Last night we had a rally meeting and talked about the power parade. The safety officer who’s been dealing with ports to try get this off the ground (or water) Informed is that ports have been issued with a new draft legislation that is to be released in January which states no 5knot zones can be lifted for on water events. It also states you must have professional safety crew and rescue boats. Along with a mountain of other legistive jargon it’s a massive blow to our vision for the rally to grow. Having said this we would still like you to come down and meet with Alister and we thought maybe aaron hill from the power boat racing club who could supply professional safety boat people and see if you think it could be run outside of the 5 knot zone . Alister said Monday or Wednesday’s work best for him and we’d like a decision made ASAP so we can promote or not promote the attraction"

Ross, Bob, and I will be going there Monday to work this. The intent is to run a boat on the new course to see if it will be suitable for both the boats, and viewing from the shore. We have been pushed further west than planned, and away from the main viewing area. How we attract people to the area will be a problem.

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Re: The Paynesville Classic Boat Rally Feb 28th To March 1st 2020

Postby WoodRay » 26 Nov 2019, 09:51

Paynesville Update
We met yesterday at Paynesville to hash out a suitable course for our boats to run in the on water demonstrations.
Points to note are:
1. We will have two 1 hour windows, one on each day, Sat and Sun to run our boats with regards to having clear water from any other vessel participating in the event such as sail boats and alike.

2. We will however be subject to weather conditions and there maybe the requirement for the sail past to form up and travel from the west side of our course and head to McMillan's Srait.

3. The area we are running in will not be closed to the public and we will have to conform to the normal waterways rules on the day incl giving way to other vessels.

4. There will be a quantity of orange smoke and red flare distress units available on the day as they are mandatory in these waters. If you've got some, bring them also. It is your responsibility to have the required gear in your boat when on the water.

5. The course is triangular (marked red) in anti clockwise direction. Areas marked green are for best viewing spots, orange is the ramp carpark display area, yellow is route in and out to the course. Yellow dots are 5 knot markers. Green dot is navigation marker.

6. There is no way the 5 knot area is going to be lifted or moved so we can be closer to the main part of the event. Our course area is NOT closed to the general public. With that said, there is no speed restriction in our course area BUT we must conform to all waterways rules incl distances, speeds in specific areas, and operating in waters with other vessels. Hoon Laws in Victoria also apply on the waterways. Have a read.

7. Whilst we have the 1 hour windows on each day to run our boats in suitable groupings, there is nothing stopping any individual from taking his boat for a run at anytime so long as that operator is conforming to waterways rules.

8. There's plenty more issues to be worked out and all this maybe subject to change.

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Re: The Paynesville Classic Boat Rally Feb 28th To March 1st 2020

Postby Bob Vic » 27 Nov 2019, 09:05

For what it is worth, I think that powerboats will now get a reasonable crack at this event, provided of course that the organisers deliver on their undertakings. I have entered Turbo Fire and because I do have a water pump fitted, I will participate in the grand parade (5 knots) on Saturday morning. The more powerboats that can participate in this the better to promote our cause and presence. Maybe we can go through as a group?

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Re: The Paynesville Classic Boat Rally Feb 28th To March 1st 2020

Postby Bob Vic » 10 Jan 2020, 12:49

The organisers confirmed today on FB that the event is going ahead as Paynesville is 100% unaffected by the East Gippsland bushfires. Just wondering what CAWPBA boats/members are coming. I'm aware of...

Reklaw - Bob Walker
Thunder Babe - Craig Allardyce
Pagan - Ray Russell
Invader - Ross Foster
Turbo Fire - Brenda Carter
??? Who else ???

If you want to come along with your boat it's not too late to register.

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Re: The Paynesville Classic Boat Rally Feb 28th To March 1st 2020

Postby WoodRay » 10 Jan 2020, 13:17

I cant find the announcement Bob. Can you put up the link? Were there any other details?

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Re: The Paynesville Classic Boat Rally Feb 28th To March 1st 2020

Postby Bob Vic » 10 Jan 2020, 19:26

It's in Craig's post above, but here it is again ... oup_header

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Re: The Paynesville Classic Boat Rally Feb 28th To March 1st 2020

Postby rayza1 » 10 Jan 2020, 20:35

We wont make it to this one now Bob, since The registration we have booked a trip to Tassie on the Spirit with the caravan. It was bought and paid for in October but our Landcruiser decided to not cooperate. We couldn't get a refund so we took the next available dates. Sorry if it causes any hassles

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Re: The Paynesville Classic Boat Rally Feb 28th To March 1st 2020

Postby Darren » 10 Jan 2020, 22:56

I am keen to come down for this, I only have Toledo 2 going at this stage, has anyone got accommodation booked?

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