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Re: Narrandera

Postby DaveD » 15 Oct 2019, 15:56

Water looks good Chris.
I'm booked, see everyone in a couple of weeks.

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Re: Narrandera

Postby Paul SA » 15 Oct 2019, 18:06

Looks Like some one is a tad early or just getting a good parking spot

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Re: Narrandera

Postby Alan » 26 Oct 2019, 19:47

For those attending the AGM this year at Narrandera, it will be held during the BBQ and get together at the caravan park on Saturday night. Timing will be confirmed when arrangements are finalised with the park.

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Re: Narrandera

Postby Greg » 27 Oct 2019, 18:08

So, who is heading to Narrandera this year?

I'll start off with the knowns:

Pace S'ter
Thetis (?) Nathan's newie
Stormy (might not go, might even sink, but it'll be there)
Jayme II
Toldeo II
A Classic (or a Seacraft 140?)
Nightmare (or a Seacraft M1, or . . .)
John S will bring something
Renegade (or another)

Looks like a good start to a great social weekend

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Re: Narrandera

Postby rayza1 » 27 Oct 2019, 20:08

We are back in Geelong after doing a couple of thousand Ks around Vic, SA and NSW. Suffice to say we are pretty lucky in Victoria, the country side still looks reasonably green. Leaving Broken Hill and heading down through Menindee to Pooncaire it's heartbreaking to see how dry eveyrthing is. My heart goes out to all those battleing this drought. On a lighter note, the long process of wetting Ronda out will begin in the morning at least the lawn will get a good soaking. See you all at the Nationals

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Re: Narrandera

Postby Darren » 27 Oct 2019, 22:03

Looks wonderful Mate, Looking forward to getting there!

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Re: Narrandera

Postby Renojet » 29 Oct 2019, 08:41

The Jet will be there as well Frank.

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Re: Narrandera

Postby RightyO » 29 Oct 2019, 15:01

I will be bringing B.Pee hope to have better luck this year.

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Re: Narrandera

Postby loco1 » 29 Oct 2019, 22:17

Pace Set'r will not be coming this year as it is set up for a high speed run if we can ever get smooth water. Iam not sure it would get on the plan on Lake Talbot as it is configured with an 18 " prop. The good news is Rascala is coming with us so more photo ops with Ken.

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Re: Narrandera

Postby Alan » 30 Oct 2019, 13:37

I'm bringing an umbrella !

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