hi from a new member! ! and does anyone recognize this boat ?

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hi from a new member! ! and does anyone recognize this boat ?

Postby srcghost » 05 Sep 2016, 18:58

Hi all im a new member from Bucketty nsw.

I bought ta boat on friday to fix up, looks like she was a decent boat in her day.

Does anyone recognize her or have any info?

She is called Ghost and was moored in elizabeth bay in Sydney apparently

She is 5.4m long with a v8 inboard ( 308) and a early leg.

She has a glass hull with timber deck. ( riva style)

Thanks in advance

( how do i upload pics) what size should they be ?

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Re: hi from a new member! ! and does anyone recognize this boat ?

Postby Greg » 06 Sep 2016, 08:58

Hello there and welcome to the Board.

Not too sure about what help you will receive regards your boat as our focus is on all wooden stuff here. Nevertheless, hopefully some one might know of it or a similar boat. Certainly, pictures are an enormous help when trying to identify a boat.

To upload a pic/s:

First off, you must be signed in

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Below the reply panel are two tabs, one “Options”, the other “Attachments”

Click the “Attachments” tab that appears and then click on the “Add Files” tab

This brings up a “File Upload” box from where you can select what pictures you wish to upload. Note that pics should be limited to about 800 px wide and a max of about 500kb in size

Select you pic/s and they will begin to upload

You can add a comment about the pic in the box provided, if you wish

Once uploaded, click in the reply panel to place the cursor where you would like the picture to be positioned. Then, click the “Place inline” tab

The pic’s details will be placed in the rely panel

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If you are happy with it all, click the “Submit” tab and your message will be placed on the Board


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Re: hi from a new member! ! and does anyone recognize this boat ?

Postby srcghost » 06 Sep 2016, 09:49

Hi Greg,

Ok thanks for that , i guess im in the wrong group then sorry.

Worth a try

It looks like i was adding the pics correctly but they were too big.

I will have to try again when on my desktop.

Cheers for the advice.


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Re: hi from a new member! ! and does anyone recognize this boat ?

Postby srcghost » 06 Sep 2016, 14:55


Here are a few pics, may jog a memory ?


ghost 2 shrunk.jpg
ghost 2 shrunk.jpg (73.67 KiB) Viewed 8042 times

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Re: hi from a new member! ! and does anyone recognize this boat ?

Postby srcghost » 06 Sep 2016, 14:56

Another pic
ghost 1 shrunk.jpg
ghost 1 shrunk.jpg (426.26 KiB) Viewed 8042 times

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Re: hi from a new member! ! and does anyone recognize this boat ?

Postby Greg » 06 Sep 2016, 16:00

That's a pretty unique sort of boat Sean. I reckon someone would have to know it

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Re: hi from a new member! ! and does anyone recognize this boat ?

Postby srcghost » 06 Sep 2016, 22:29

Thanks mate, i hope so, can't wait to get her in the water.
( bit of work needed first)


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Re: hi from a new member! ! and does anyone recognize this boat ?

Postby bootlegger » 10 Sep 2016, 07:29

Welcome. Good luck with finding her history.


Re: hi from a new member! ! and does anyone recognize this boat ?

Postby scotty69 » 12 Sep 2016, 12:51

great find mate

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Re: hi from a new member! ! and does anyone recognize this boat ?

Postby srcghost » 13 Sep 2016, 21:08

Thanks guys.

She has had some money spent on her in the past but been neglected by the last owner.

All electrics work, have new trailer , now the engine and then leg and then paint and timber.

Hopefully it all comes together eventually.


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