Skimaster Build

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Skimaster Build

Postby ian43ktm » 14 Feb 2015, 23:08

Hi all. I'm fairly new here. I've started to build a boat and thought there may be some interest here. I also hope to get some advice from those with more experience than me. I've never built a boat before , but have building experience mainly with steel framed structures. So I'm reasonably handy on the tools. I have a good plan and must thank Piquet (Peter) very much for sending his plan for me to copy. I've made a start on the frames and will try to put some pics up as the build progresses. One thing I have learnt already is that I have much to learn. I didn't know much about the waterproofing and epoxy adhesives . I've found some advice/help from boatcraft here in Brisbane in regard to the wood part of the build . If anyone has contacts in Brisbane/Ipswich area for the engine ,propshaft ,rudder and steering ect I haven't organized anything there yet. Obviously this won't be a quick process so I'll post things as it moves along. I would describe it as a skeleton frame with a ply hull and deck . I'd like a plank finish on the deck in a laminate with a varnish or clear top coat/sealer. Very early stages at the moment so until I have bought materials I reserve the right to change my mind. That's were your advice will be appreciated most , in the decision making process. There's a couple of changes I want to make to the plan. The ski pole on the plan is mounted at the back of the engine , in front of the back seat. The problem I see there is the risk of decapitating the rear seat passengers . Now I realize they should be paying attention to the skiers but taking their heads off is a bit severe a punishment for inattention. I want to mount it behind the rear seat so will need to strengthen/brace that area , which may be a problem for the fuel tank because that is where the plan has it. I was thinking of moving the fuel tank to the front of the boat. Any thoughts there? Thanks for reading...........Ian
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Re: Skimaster Build

Postby piquet95971 » 15 Feb 2015, 08:12

I was more than happy to loan you the plans to copy.
I will send you an email with some hints on what you are doing and have done so far.

Have a look at Trend timbers website they have a list of suitable boat building timbers. Trend are in Sydney but the timber that they recommend should be available in Ipswitch. If not but definetly in Brisbane.
Keep going.

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Re: Skimaster Build

Postby Alan » 15 Feb 2015, 09:23

Hi Ian,
welcome, I am sure there will be much interest in the build. I am also sure there will be a lot of advice available, some different but all good, and as far as the tank/pole position like all home built boats from a plan, in the end do it the way you like it. From my experience the best place for the tank would be down the back and the pole near the engine, and as high as practicable. The higher the pole the better it is for keeping the rope out of the water at lower speeds (kids kneeboards) and considering it's not a resto you will probably be fabricating a new one yourself, make it height adjustable or removable.
Looking forward to watching the progress,

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Re: Skimaster Build

Postby ian43ktm » 20 Feb 2015, 17:23

Well it seems I've made a blue already. Its been pointed out , and rightly so , that I've used the wrong breed of pine. I was keen to make a start so I bought some materials locally . I've decided to push on with what I've got for a few reasons. I used bigger material 75x35 instead of 75x19 so I don't think strength will be an issue. I read that the glue may not take properly so I removed the screws from a frame and knocked it around a bit and put my weight on it and it felt no different to when it had screws in it so I'm assuming the glue is ok. I also plan to thoroughly seal all frames to the ply on the inside with fillet joins in epoxy , so hopefully that will keep any water from damaging those parts. Also the obvious reason that I had all the frames made and didn't want to start again. I learned my lesson and will buy all materials from Boatcraft in future and get advice before hand. I've done a bit more today. I came across some long pallets at work and have used one as the building frame instead of building the one on the plan. I think it will be easier when the time comes to turn it over if its closer to the floor. Here's a few more pics of progress...........Ian
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Re: Skimaster Build

Postby ian43ktm » 20 Feb 2015, 17:26

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Re: Skimaster Build

Postby bootlegger » 20 Feb 2015, 23:22

I don't want to dampen your enthusiasm but not only have you chosen a bad type of timber for your frames but it has knots as well every one of this those knots is a weak point where it can fail.
You are still early into the project. Just find some nice clear grained timber suitable for frames.
Good luck with it and well done.

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Re: Skimaster Build

Postby Darren » 22 Feb 2015, 06:44

Hi Ian,
I have to agree with Dave on this. I see a lot of fantastic work, but I see serious issues with the pine used in the frames.
You have spent a lot of time to get to this stage, but there is a lot more going to be invested in moving through the build.
The frames in this style of boat are the most critical part, as the bear all the force.
Take a breath walk around the shed chanting the magic "F" word and consider remaking the frames.
What I'd do its adorn the shed walls with these ones, and when the boat is finished, and you have just been out on the rough water
and beat the living suitcase out of it.......look at these frames on the wall and say "just as well I practiced making the frames."
And please don't loose faith, I couldn't tell you how many times I've repeated stuff when doing Scrubcat.

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Re: Skimaster Build

Postby piquet95971 » 22 Feb 2015, 08:32

I spoke with Ian and made the same observations WRT the timber he had selected.
Apart from the knots and chunks that are missing there is another reason that the frames need to be as designed. It is only a minor point.
When you get to the stage of fairing in the frames in the bow area it will take a lot more work in removing the excess timber.
I have to agree with all that has been said. In rebuilding my boat I reckon that I put it together and pulled it apart so many times that it became a family joke. I made at least 2 engine hatches and I'm still not happy with the one I have now.

I have located a supplier in Ipswich that can supply Meranti which is essentially the same as Maple in a range of widths in 19mm thick. They have 19x19, 31x19, 42x19, 68x19, 93x19, 140x19 and 163x19 in DAR (dressed all round)
The supplier is Gill and Co Timber merchants, been around since 1926. They are in Cleveland and Rocklea. Not sure how far away they are from you.

I'd go and make friends with the manager. Could I suggest that you take a copy of the list of timbers into them, tell them what you are doing, even show them a copy of the plans. Once you have done that I'd reckon they will fall over trying to help you with what you need.
They will also probably have a machine shop so they will be able to cut and machine timber to your size requirements as well.

With all the rain you are having up there it's the about the right time to start to build a boat. Have you started collecting animals yet?
"You'll have to get a bigger boat"

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Re: Skimaster Build

Postby piquet95971 » 22 Feb 2015, 09:17

Found another place for Meranti, Sandgate Timber mill. 07 3269 1687.
Looks like they have a good size range.

Hoop pine is another timber that could be used for the frames. It is an Australian native pine from the same family as Bunya bunya pine and I think Norfolk Island pine. The Auracaria family. There are plentiful supplies available, Finlaysons in East Brisbane have plenty in stock. Give them a call.

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Re: Skimaster Build

Postby Alan » 22 Feb 2015, 12:49

Hey Ian, just some more hints for you as well,
Try to reduce the pic size a bit,
Try to fit more dog in :lol: mine used to help out in the workshop.

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