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Re: our project

Postby Greg » 04 Jan 2015, 22:40

Refer http://www.transportsafety.vic.gov.au/m ... y-handbook - Click on the Chapter 4 link, scroll to page 4 and refer column "Inland". I'd suggest it is inland waters in that you have to go over a wall to get to the bay.

The Yarra/Maribyrnong was different in that we had to travel a short distance in Hobsons Bay to get the the Yarra.

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Re: our project

Postby piquet95971 » 06 Jan 2015, 20:20

Megan and I went and had a look at Patterson River today. The ramps are in excellent condition. The whole area has been revamped since we were last there for our daughters kayaking races. What used to be a broad beach area has now been reduced to about 20 mtr length. The area is speed restricted to 5 knots but after speaking to the parks vic ranger they use their discression. If the see a boat obviously going too fast and making a huge wash they do something. But a person a small amount over like Nick was on the Yarra they would not worry about as they understand that some boats lose steerage at very slow speeds. They also said that navigating the canal entrances often requires more throttle which they understand.

The ranger was unsure as to whether it was inland waters or enclosed waters. He said that an anchor, chain and rope was probably advisable but flares etc that are in the handbook are not required.

The weather forecast for Sunday is not looking too flash. We will probably just wait and make a decision late on Saturday.

There are still a few things to be done. Today I made a bypass system for the cooling system so that I can run the engine without damaging the impeller and overheating the engine.

I'm about to go out and put some water back into the bilge to continue the wetting of the hull. It seems to be taking up really well. I'm only concerned about one small area but. Will give it another day or so before I have a rethink.

Have to go as the puppy is demanding to go for his nightly walk.

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Re: our project

Postby piquet95971 » 07 Jan 2015, 21:46

Set up the bypass system only to find cooling system leaks. The rest of the day was spent loosening things, applying Teflon tape and re tightening all the flare nuts. I think it's OK now.

But water does flow through the whole system and out the exhaust. There was a bit of gunk come out the exhaust but generally was fairly clean.

Still a reasonable amount to be done. It seems the closer I get the more I find that needs to be rectified. But I think I can see some light starting to appear down the long tunnel.

Some of the leaks are starting to slow down an a couple have stopped dripping altogether. It didn't take as long as I thought for some of them to take up. Others seem to be taking their time. Still it has been out of the water a long time.

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Re: our project

Postby piquet95971 » 17 Jan 2015, 21:43

Well after all this time tomorrow is the big day. I've spent the time while the BB has been off with the pixies/clouds doing all sorts of things that take time but don't appear to achieve much. I found that the O/P sender did not match the gauge. I found one but had to remove the alternator and mounting bracket to get it in place then modify an old spanner to do it up tight at about 1/16 of a turn at a time. Then put the wole lot back in place. 3 hours gone

Fuel tank, filler hose, breather and supply hose all in place. Clipped hose to bearers.
Boat filled with water and left overnigh. The level dropped about 1/4" in 8 hours so it is tightening up. I may have to tighten a couple of nails and may even have toe place a couple at sometime but at present it should be OK.

Today I tested the bilge pump and itumped suite strongly.
Tomorrow is the big day. Friends and family will gather and "Bazinga" will be ceremoniously slipped off the trailer into a body of water.

My only concern is to whether the cooling pump will have enough lift to pump the water through the engine. It is mounted up high between the rocker covers near the distributor. It would seem that it had always been in that position so I don't think ther will be a problem.

Roll on tomorrow.

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Re: our project

Postby Greg » 17 Jan 2015, 22:11

Good luck tomorrow Pete. I'm sure all will be well.

Re the pump, once you get a bit of forward movement and some ram pressure, it will draw OK.

Looking fwd to hearing how it went.

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Re: our project

Postby WoodRay » 18 Jan 2015, 09:30

Good luck Pete for today. Hope all goes well with the launch!

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Re: our project

Postby piquet95971 » 18 Jan 2015, 21:16

An eventful day at Patterson River.

We all duly arrived at the designated point at the appointed time and the weather co-operated the rain shower predicted cleared away the way the BOM said it would. The wind was a little gusty but still OK.

Boat trailered well, but decided to hook it up to the back of a friends Triton for the launch itself. Probably just as well as I think my ute may have been a long way down the ramp to get the boat to float off.
That went straight forward but nothing else did.
Pulled it around onto the little beach. Did the launch thing of pol the bottle of bubbly all over the foredeck. Toasted the boat thanked the multitudes for coming.

Hopped in started it up after putting it in gear as the rod for the dog clutch is not connected.
It sounded great and turned a few heads but it didn't go anywhere. Lifted the hatch put it in gear again, started the engine but still no forward motion.

Paddled it back to the beach. Lifted hatch, put it back in gear again, pushed off and started the thing again: still no forward motion.
I give up.
Noticed a fuel leak from the carby so after a frustrating first outing I thought that it was better to fight another day than to spend the rest of the afternoon achieving probably not a great deal.

It would seem that it is jumping out of gear when it is started in gear or it is not properly engaging in the first place. So the boat is back home in the carport. The engine has been flushed out and after this posting I will do the list of what has to be fixed, changed or obtained before next weekend. It does still leak possibly a bit more than I would like. I hope that it will gradually take up and lessen with time. I still think that there a couple of nails that need to be tightened.

But it does float that is the main thing.

There was no problem with the pump picking up water for cooling the engine even sitting stationary in the water. That was one of my concerns put to bed really quickly.

Fuel leak has been fixed since we arrived home, one of the connections was not done up really tight. Since tightening it up it appears fine now.

So a bit of a mixed bag but overall successful.

Looking forward to next weekend now.

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Re: our project

Postby piquet95971 » 19 Jan 2015, 21:15

I am assuming that the dog clutch is rod actuated not by a cable?

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Re: our project

Postby Greg » 19 Jan 2015, 22:07

Normally, yes Pete

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Re: our project

Postby screwit » 19 Jan 2015, 22:41

I had a another member with the same query as to the dog clutch as his leaver did not lock in [drive ] but it did in neutral.
I checked my boat as it was a bought one and it locks in a gate depression in both positions .
So have in seen that His is a new old stock and I did think that they should stay in if the dogs are in good shape other wise the bronze clutch fork would wear out trying to hold it in if the leaver is locked in .
A bit like the old car gearboxes that were worn out and jumped out of second gear and you can't hold them in by the stick.
I still like the leaver to lock in both ways but to be adjusted correctly it save the accidental knock of the leaver doing any harm.
I would check the dog teeth and make sure the aren't worn.

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