Bond Wood Skiff in W.A. - Possably a Scam

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Bond Wood Skiff in W.A. - Possably a Scam

Postby Thommo » 07 Feb 2014, 18:22

Last edited by Thommo on 09 Feb 2014, 10:51, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bond Wood Skiff in W.A.

Postby bootlegger » 07 Feb 2014, 20:58

Man how many boats are surfacing in wa. Go on stuart you need another one.

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Re: Bond Wood Skiff in W.A.

Postby hookster » 08 Feb 2014, 11:40

There's something funny going on with this one. Last November I became aware of an old woody that has been in a mate of mine's family for years, and the boat is starting to deteriorate, but is still being used. It is located in country Victoria. I obtained a photo of the boat back when it was in pretty good nic, which I forwarded on to a few club members. The photo I sent is the one pictured below:

boat photo 2.jpg
boat photo 2.jpg (16.78 KiB) Viewed 4842 times

If you click on the link for the boat advertisement at the start of this thread....well waddya know!!!!!

boat photo 1.PNG
boat photo 1.PNG (84.7 KiB) Viewed 4848 times

I have spoken to my mate who owns the boat and it is still sitting in his back yard!!! Funnily enough I can't get an answer when I try and ring the seller who has placed the add.

Buggered if I know what's going on

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Re: Bond Wood Skiff in W.A.

Postby piquet95971 » 08 Feb 2014, 17:31

It looks like to me that it's one of those internet scams.
So warn all that you know that may be interested to not buy the boat as it may be that the pwrson advertising the boat has just hijacked the photos , posted them on the Boat sales website and is waiting for the money to roll in an never deliver the boat!!!! Pricks

Take Care and maybe report it to the Boats on line managment that it is a suspect case of a fraudulant posting

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Re: Bond Wood Skiff in W.A.

Postby fatpigeon » 08 Feb 2014, 18:00

Dave Dave Dave ..... I think it's your turn to buy another boat but probably not this one.

I am sure this boat was advertised some time ago , again in WA.
I recently purchased a boat sight unseen out of WA but did a lot of cross checks re it's authenticity.....( although I still Havnt seen it but Rayaz tells me it's real and at his place)

Buyer beware !!


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Re: Bond Wood Skiff in W.A.

Postby rayza1 » 08 Feb 2014, 18:31

Hey Stuart, did i forget to mention that Scitmar was a scam? Your boats not really here....really! Funny though i have a REALLY similar one that i found!!!! Mate looking forward to catching up in Feb. So much so that you can have my boat that looks like yours and is also called Scitmar.


Re: Bond Wood Skiff in W.A.

Postby Reklaw » 09 Feb 2014, 10:13

Unfortunately, you have to be real careful these days when buying over the 'net. I bought a Corvette on Ebay a few years ago. About a week after I bought it, and it was sitting in my garage, the exact same car and ad came back up on Ebay with a different seller. Someone had found a way to copy the ad, including the pics, and relist the item. I contacted the original seller, who then contacted Ebay and had the ad shut down.

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