Buster Skiff Restoration

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Buster Skiff Restoration

Postby habits » 21 Jul 2017, 17:14

Well thought I would give you all a run down on the skiff I'm restoring.
Buster was built in Sth Aust in 1972 and finished in 1973.It was built to a 5 plank skiff design and was built by Trevor Cox. The method of building was there were paper patterns to cut the shape of the planks and transom from. There were 4 or 5 ply formers over which the planks were stressed and glued and nailed into position, then when finished the formers were removed. All the internal woodwork was then attached to the shell, then the deck was added. The original motor was a 403 Peugeot with twin Webers some porting done and the head shaved and a set of zoomies were made for the exhaust.
After a couple of years the motor was removed and the boat was sold to Victoria and a 149 Holden was fitted it raced at Geelong and around the western district till the late 70s was then garaged. A few years later it was sold again repainted new deck and name change to Dart raced a few times sold again and used on a river and lakes for hooning around. in the early 2000s it was found sitting on a farm out in the weather was then sold again but needed a full restoration. It sat in a shed for around 10-12 years where new engine bearers were made and a start on the resto started but time never permitted to be finished. So about 18 months ago I purchased it and have started the job of restoring it to its former glory as it was built I have acquired a 403 Peugeot and a set of Twin Webbers. I will put some photos up as I go. I was fortunate enough to know the history from when it came to Victoria and I know a friend of Trevor Cox who gave me the info on the building of it. I'm having trouble loading Photos can some give me some tips on how to load them thanks I also have the Holden motor for sale 149 dry sumped with a Yella Terra head and extractors no carbies as I bought it told it was recoed and not run.

Regards Phil

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Last edited by Greg on 25 Jul 2017, 06:23, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Pictures added

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Re: Buster Skiff Restoration

Postby Greg » 22 Jul 2017, 21:16


Re picture posting:

To upload a pic/s:

Sign in

Click the “Full Editor and Preview” tab below, or the “Post Reply” tab below and to the left.

A reply panel will come up

Below the reply panel are two tabs, one “Options”, the other “Attachments”

Click the “Attachments” tab and then click on the “Add Files” tab

This brings up a “File Upload” box from where you can select what pictures you wish to upload. Note that pics should be limited to about 800 px wide and a max of about 500kb in size

Select your pic/s and they will begin to upload

You can add a comment about the pic in the box provided, if you wish

Once uploaded, click in the reply panel to place the cursor where you would like the picture to be positioned. Then, click the “Place inline” tab

The pic’s details will be placed in the reply panel

Clicking the “Preview” tab will display your message (including the pictures) at it will appear on the Bulletin Board.

If you are happy with it all, click the “Submit” tab and your message will be placed on the Board


Re: Buster Skiff Restoration

Postby habits » 23 Jul 2017, 11:58

Thanks Greg I will give it a go in the next few days I have to shrink my photos as they are to large.

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Re: Buster Skiff Restoration

Postby RightyO » 24 Jul 2017, 12:25

Phil i have trouble downsizing the photos ,Ray told me a way which i found works .Take the photo with a ipad or something then email it to yourself ,save the photo then it will go onto our sight . I think this downsizing is stopping members from using the sight as we are not all comp geeks.


Re: Buster Skiff Restoration

Postby habits » 24 Jul 2017, 16:23

I agree with you Ken I can put a photo straight up on Facebook I was even thinking of making a Facebook page of the boat like my Son did with his Hydro, Norrish Family Racing which now includes my Grandsons racing there are a few photos of the skiff on there its so easy to do. I will get my son to help me at the weekend with the photos and see how we go. Phil

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Re: Buster Skiff Restoration

Postby Greg » 24 Jul 2017, 17:55


There is a size limit placed on pictures on this board for a couple of reasons, mainly:

*To limit the size of the board, which saves us a few bucks (we can do it for free, but you will be swamped with ads)
*To stop overly large pictures being put up, which can distort the screen display and causes a few other issues such as increased download times

It is definitely easier to upload pictures to the likes of Facebook, and there has been some pressure from members for us to start a Facebook page. The main reason we haven't gone down that path is because we want the BB to be an on-line reference source, something people can search and continue to look back on for info years to come. You cannot do this on Facebook. My experience with Facebook is that if you put a picture up today it has pretty much disappeared for ever a week or so later (depending on the popularity of the page). Facebook is for today - we want to be here longer.

As has always been the case with picture uploading problems, email them to me. I can resize them and then place them directly into your post, or wherever you wish.



Re: Buster Skiff Restoration

Postby habits » 24 Jul 2017, 19:27

Thanks Greg I understand I just get frustrated I will get one of my sons to show me at the weekend, thanks for the offer but you have enough to do I will get it sorted and get some pictures up shortly.


Re: Buster Skiff Restoration

Postby habits » 25 Jul 2017, 16:27

Thankyou Greg for up loading the photos for me. So as you can see I still have along way to go all the cav gear is on to stay fuel tank has been mounted I am about to fit the engine and make up the engine mounts I will then remove the motor and do the deck and recondition the motor I was hoping to have to ready for Narrandera but that's not going to happen so I am now working towards having it running around xmas sort it out and take it to Goolwa the first photo was from when it was first built and taken at Adelaide Speedboat Club I will keep the up dates coming as work progresses.

4541 Andy
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Re: Buster Skiff Restoration

Postby 4541 Andy » 25 Jul 2017, 17:01

Great work PHIL, did you inherit the drum of yellow paint off Ray?


Re: Buster Skiff Restoration

Postby habits » 25 Jul 2017, 18:55

No Andy I had to buy it he wouldn't part with it.

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