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Postby screwit » 01 May 2013, 08:53

Have moved "Invader" where I can work on her now, the hull is finished on the out side and clean on the inside except where the bearers were. This I will clean today and try and sand the clear coat on the planks as they look like they cleared over the sawdust at the factory on the lower planks.
There is very little oil staining so I will only have to give it a fresh clear coat and bolt in the bearers that have all ready been restored.

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Re: Invader

Postby screwit » 08 Aug 2013, 20:06

Have now got most of the sanding done, work has been getting in the way !
I need to have it sanded and clean ready for a warm day to spray a coat of varnish to complete the inside.
Some of the deck stringers have to be reglued and cleaned off any remaining deck ply before the deck gets cut and fitted.
I would like to get the inside done before the other boats get back from the museum.
Weather has not been to kind lately and more of the same to come, But the new patio heater works great in the shed.

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Re: Invader

Postby screwit » 01 Sep 2013, 18:59

On Wednesday last week, I did managed to get a thick clear coat on the inside of the skiff as the sun did manage to get out to warm up the air.
As all the bearers are already coated they can now be installed this week .
Then I can start on the deck, but have to find room for the returning boats from the museum some time this week.

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Re: Invader

Postby screwit » 05 Sep 2013, 20:31

Today I spent some time on the deck frame and bridge beams, There was not much glue under some of the brackets and some of the noggins between the gunwale and the inner stringers had opened up- screws pulled through the end grain. this was fixed by glue and some extra brackets to help hold it. Was originally held together only by the deck ply and has only let go since the deck was removed.
Removed the bridge decks ply forward and aft of the engine bay and will remove the rear one tomorrow, plenty of glue on the comings and trims made it slow going as I wanted to keep them for patterns.
Some bolts that have rattled out over the years on brackets to the bridge beams that possibly damaged the deck in the first place was replaced.
I want every thing fixed before the new deck is fitted.
The transom has had exhaust pipes drilled through it at some time later in its life and I must decide if I am going to replace the outer skin. There is no other damage to the transom.
I have spent over 1 1/2 hrs try to match up the grain between the ply sheets to get the best fit up.

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Re: Invader

Postby bootlegger » 05 Sep 2013, 20:39

Good on you ross. Keep at it.

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Re: Invader

Postby screwit » 13 Oct 2013, 21:45

Over the weekend I did manage to get a start on the repair's to the deck frame, As the joint's of the dash and other bridge beams had opened up after the deck had been removed, I have made some tie rods to go under the dash and the forward bridge beam to pull the deck stringer's together and with some glue applied in the joints and some glue blocks placed in the corners, the rods tightened all has pulled up nice. At the same time I refaced the dash with new ply.
After that it was time to sand the surface of the beam and stringers to make ready for the new ply deck.
The thickness of the old deck was 1/4 " - 6mm but as I wanted a Qld maple finish it ended up 7mm + finish. As when I started to fit the ply to the boat it was very hard to pull the ply over the compound curve of the deck and this would make it hard to get a flat edge around the gunwale pulling down at each fixing.
To get over this I have got a diamond Patten of grooves made with the router about 2mm deep on the under side. {Something like the tred Patten on a golf course tractor tyre}
This has made it easier to bend and fit and will have less strain on the fixings.
Transom will stay as it is and some s/s steel covers will be made to hide the exhausts outlets and apart from a sanding back to the original surface, it will more original looking than if I recover it with fresh ply.
Tomorrow I will have a little more fitting to do before I lay the deck and must also make sure the engine bearer's will go in before the deck is finished !

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Re: Invader

Postby screwit » 22 Oct 2013, 21:15

All the deck parts are cut and fitted bar the top of the dash.
Have had the deck clamped around the edges now for over a week to pull the curve in the ply and make it easier to screw down. the front hatch cover frame is cut and ready to screw together and the ply is bent using to ropes and a 100mm board ready to use, but have tho wait until the deck is down to line up the grain.
I have got my VS numbers for rego already.

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Re: Invader

Postby screwit » 30 Oct 2013, 20:53

Today on opening the shed, I found that a bird had left a deposit on the front hatch cover ply witch is uncoated - it has left a stain , I have used some of my veranda deck cleaner on it. It has faded it but still there. I will have to wait until it dry's and give it a sand to see the final outcome.
Bugger !!!

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Re: Invader

Postby screwit » 05 Nov 2013, 08:49

The stain is almost invisible after it dried, don't know what will happen when its coated I will have to wait and see.
Yester day I managed to lay the front deck both sides until I ran out of screws. Is was tight to bend and in some spots I need to help the screws a little with clamps but it looks good this morning.

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Re: Invader

Postby bootlegger » 05 Nov 2013, 11:08

Hey ross was the deck nailed down originally? Are you going to cover the screw heads up.

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