Prop shaft vibration

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Prop shaft vibration

Postby hookster » 24 Nov 2012, 09:20

Hi fellow wig wearers, just thought I'd pass on a solution to a potential cause for vibration in the prop shaft. I had a fairly severe vibration in Bullit since I put it back together this year, so I worked through a process of elimination to identify the cause, and was a bit surprised when I found out what it actually was. I removed the prop shaft and checked it on a pair of v-blocks on a bench using a dial gauge and there was a slight woopy in it, but well under a millimeter so I was pretty sure that wasn't the issue. I ground a small amount of material off the prop key to make sure that wasn't pushing the prop off centre as it was screwed up onto the taper. After reconnecting everything and firing up the engine, the vibration was still there - and looking at the prop shaft under the boat it was all over the place. It was then that I noticed that the prop shaft coupling itself was actually vibrating. I had noticed when I was bolting the coupling back onto the motor out-put thingy that there was a bit of lateral movement available (prior to the three bolts being fully tightened up.) So, I started the engine again and held a permanent texta against the prop shaft coupling while it was rotating, causing the texta to hit the 'high spot'. I stopped the engine, loosened the three bolts slightly, and then tapped the texta marked side of the coupling with a hammer. Re-tightenend the bolts and presto - no vibration.

This might all be old news to everyone, but it was something that I hadn't heard being talked about at all so thought I'd mention it.

PS> the detox is going well thankyou very much. I might have to go down a size in the mullet department - I wonder if they come in size 'Pinhead'??? :P :P

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