our project

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Re: our project

Postby piquet95971 » 30 Jan 2011, 20:21

No clenched nails and yes the nails do go through the ribs and it is roved. So I am still in the wondering stakes.

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Re: our project

Postby piquet95971 » 25 Mar 2011, 16:29

Its been a while and progress has slowed somewhat.

The easter mini deadline is looking sick as well, so I am not going to think of anymore dates. Maybe Christmas.

had family issues
Daughter moved to sydney to start a masters course and that has consumed
1. the spare time
2.the patience and
3 any spare money for other (more important) things!!!!
I have just had the soda blast man round to try out a section to remove paint and acumulate grunge from the boat.
So it looks like I have to go down the route of a trianglar scraper, the heat gun and many hours sitting in the bilge of a boat.At least there is no oil there to catch on fire so that is a blessing.
Might just have to fire up the fridge and the radio and pretend that im listening to the footy and working on the boat
fo now
some photos to be added soon
regards to all

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Re: our project

Postby piquet95971 » 08 May 2011, 11:01

sitting in the bottom of a boat and scraping paint is not fun. I have stopped for a while and am doing other things
Have pulled apart the assembled Engine bearers with the aim of sanding back and getting them right for a varnish job. Well, they are pulled apart so far and not yet done too much to them.
I have had some luck on another front though. I was at a job in Box Hill the other day and they are throwing out some furniture. The builder had been clearing out the garage and there was all sorts of "stuff" in there. The previous owner attended Scotch College and there were year books going back to 1935 in a cupboard. The year books went back to the Archivist at the school and some of the cupboard has come here. The cupboard is mahogany and was only going into the rubbish skip. There are also some drawers there that are Red Cedar. I am hoping that they will also come to a new home.

Not sure if I will try and incorporate them into some furniture or tear them apart for the panelling. Lovely timber though

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Re: our project

Postby piquet95971 » 09 May 2011, 21:45

Back at the same job today and I have picked up quite a bit of the mahogany. It will machine up really nicely.
The piece of furniture was like a blanket box a with 3 mahogany front red pine/cedar sided and bottom dawers below. The whole frame was mahogany and it is now rescued to be used in the boat.
Amazing what is being discarded at times!!!

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Re: our project

Postby mikey123 » 12 May 2011, 13:08

piquet95971 wrote:Back at the same job today and I have picked up quite a bit of the mahogany. It will machine up really nicely.
The piece of furniture was like a blanket box a with 3 mahogany front red pine/cedar sided and bottom dawers below. The whole frame was mahogany and it is now rescued to be used in the boat.
Amazing what is being discarded at times!!!

nice work Peter.
Peope do throw out some great old timber.
Recently watching on the tv after the QLD floods when they seemed to be trashing every peice of furniture in the whole state which got a bit wet, i couldnt help thinking that I bet there is some fantastic hard woods in there that would be great fo my boat project ! hehe :D
So, after buying a small amount of timber for my restoration project, I was inspired to try and finish the rest of it without paying for any more timber. I managed to scrounge heaps of excellent hard woods at the last council hard rubbish collection in our area (yes I asked permission before I took it). I have three old oak fire surrounds/mantles which should be enough to do the complete deck on my project.
I dont think I could even buy timber that good if I wanted too !
Now I'm just looking for some free marine ply for the sub-deck. That might be a bit tougher to find. :D
Does anyone know of any ?
keep up the good work.

Mike ps...(you can see pics of my project 'Savage Vendetta' on another thread.)

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Re: our project

Postby piquet95971 » 15 May 2011, 21:07

It turns out that what I thought was Mahogany is probably Australian Cedar.

That's good and bad. Much better for an Australian Classic Power Boat. BUT
There is not enough to do the deck area that I need to cover.
I have probably got enough to do the centre section/ engine cover and the after deck but not enough for the foredeck and no long lengths to do the long strips outside the line of the cockpit sides. The lengths that I have are 1450 mm long in their longest

That poses a problem in that long lengths are not easy to find and can be quite expensive.
I may have to wait for the Working with Wood Show in October to get what I need.

cheers for now

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Re: our project

Postby piquet95971 » 17 May 2011, 15:13

just been to mathews timber with a sample to match the timber.

well I hate indecision
It's not Mahogany, it's not Australian Cedar.
It is Blackwood.

Now I am in a dilema
There is not enough to do the deck so I have to buy some long lengths. I will probably go for some flooring gradee and then run it through the thicknesser to get it to 12mm for the deck.
At least Blackwood is easier to come by than the othere timbers

So back to the drawing board but i suppose that its no too bad a dilema to have.
How do you think Blackwood and Huon Pine will look?

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Re: our project

Postby piquet95971 » 19 Jun 2011, 19:35

Over the Weekend I have cut the ply for the foredeck, the engine cover and the afterdeck. This is of 6mm marine plywood. They have been temporarily screwed in place. Eventually they will be glued, screwed and nailed in place.

I am still deciding about soda blasting the inside of the boat. Have the day off tomorrow so I might try the idea of the heat gun and scraper on some areas to see how it comes up.

I will put a couple of photos up soon

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Re: our project

Postby piquet95971 » 03 Jul 2011, 21:11

Hi guys
Have started doing some more work in getting everything ready for the big rebuild.

Spent last weekend and yesterday cutting up my big piece of Huon Pine and some Amoora. I have cut the ply for the after deck area and for the fore deck area so that I can get an idea as to what the plans for the deck striping will look like in real life as opposed to what it looks like on paper.

The Huon I have cut up and then run through the thicknesser to come up with 45 x 10 mm Strips and the Amooroa I have cut and machined into 10mm x 12 mm strips. The deck will be set up a 90 mm stripe of Amoora down the centerline of the boat. It will have a 24 mm x 10 mm strip round the outside of the boat from bow to stern and across the transom (this still has to run round the style police). The deck will be alternatly laid with 2 x 45 mm strips of Huon Pine with a 12 mm strip of Amoora as a contrast between the strips of Huon Pine. The coaming /rubbing strake will be Amoora and the style piece across the transom will be a piece of Huon Pine set against the dark red of the Amoora of the transom it should look pretty smick.

Apart from all the sawing and machining I have done some time with the heatgun in the bilge of the boat. I am not sure about how well it is going to come up in case i want to varnish the inside of the boat. So far it seems Ok but after an hour I was able to do about 4 segments between ribs on two planks. So I think that it is going to take a while. I may try and do some tomorrow afternoon after work. I am still to try and talk to some other soda blasters in Melbourne about getting it done that way

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Re: our project

Postby piquet95971 » 07 Jul 2011, 22:18

Just to help those who are not aware of the lovely Melbourne weather I will give you an update almost like taste at present rain hail sleet and freezing cold!!!!

So that has meant no work on the balconies that I have to waterproof. That has given me the chance to spend some time in the bilges with the heat gun and scraper. Spent 4 hours today and 2 hours on Tuesday. I have almost half the bilge areas done. It hasn't come up too bad although there is still some ingrained paint which will probably need to be hit with some stripper to get rid of it.

It sure looks a lot better than the very patchy paint and the remnants of the previous fire in the engine compartment.

If the weather is still bad tomorrow I will most likely get the rest done and be able to start the area under the foredeck that was done before I purchased the boat. I just think it should be redone.


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