Everingham project

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Re: Everingham project

Postby Darren » 18 Jan 2018, 13:25

Welcome Daniel,
Removing snot is no fun at all, and as you will find out there is generally a reason why it's on there.
You will get a lot of good advice on this forum as most people have been through the stripping out process.
And you will also get so much needed humor! not that never get involved in that side.
I was wondering if you could post a picture of the bicycle that chain on the garage floor came off.

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Re: Everingham project

Postby Daniel » 18 Jan 2018, 21:26

Haha yeah I'm finding some "exciting" stuff underneath. I'm prepared to replank the whole thing. Rather not. But we shall see. Someone has punched some steel nails in the side for one reason or another, rust, decent size crack in the top plank, definitely looking that one is a gonna for sure. Also cracks forming around the copper nails at where the planks meet the keel. I'm a glutton for punishment projects so just another one to add to my already huge list.

The chain!! That is out of a 14M CAT grader. Will make a perfect coffee table edge for the workshop. Good and sturdy. Haha
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Re: Everingham project

Postby Daniel » 18 Jan 2018, 21:32

What do you use for replacement planks? These are meranti. Is this type still available? I'm kind of looking forward to doing the resto. Although support and guidance will be required, I'm more experienced in the metal fab, diesel and vintage car and truck stuff. So wood is a unforgiving beast to me.

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Re: Everingham project

Postby piquet95971 » 21 Jan 2018, 12:38

Meranti/Pacific maple is still available. There are some long lengths at Tile Importers in Oakleigh. They are not likely to be the length that you need/require so scarfing them to get the required length will be necessary.
As you remove a plank keep the old one as a template to make the new one. They may look straight but they are curved and that makes the remanufacture interesting. Depending on the amount of curve depends on the width of the piece of timber the plank needs to be cut out of.

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Re: Everingham project

Postby Daniel » 16 Jan 2019, 16:45

:D The more glass I strip off the more crap I find. Seems someone has screwed ply onto the bottom and glasses over it. Original wood is oil soaked by the looks and smell. Think she was a mis buy this one. Not sure if it’s worth replanking the whole girl. From what I’ve seen so far every bit will need replacing. Haha. I bought a template. :D

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Re: Everingham project

Postby Matt » 07 Apr 2019, 11:42

Hey Daniel,new guy to wood here ,a bit like yourself,more into messing with metal and old cars and the like.I know the feeling as I have just bought mostly a Template myself,lol,but,,,soldier on,you're doing well.

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Re: Everingham project

Postby screwit » 02 Jul 2019, 20:41

How is your progress going Daniel.?
We need to be enspiered here.

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