16ft Boesch Design Restoration

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Re: 16ft Boesch Design Restoration

Postby viteau » 17 Jan 2016, 13:09

Great news that she went well, you have done an amazing job especially when you look at the first photos of you digging the boat out of the ground. Cheers Chris

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Re: 16ft Boesch Design Restoration

Postby Damo » 17 Jan 2016, 14:20

Thanks Chris, it's been alot longer than I expected but yesterday made it all worthwhile, I look forward to spending time on the water with my family this weekend coming and enjoying the boat.

Time to put the name and registration on the hull I think.

Cheers Damo

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Re: 16ft Boesch Design Restoration

Postby hookster » 04 Mar 2016, 10:05

awesome damo, still pissing myself visualising the sand bank episode. I bet it's quick

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Re: 16ft Boesch Design Restoration

Postby WoodRay » 04 Mar 2016, 20:49

Well done Damo. Great Job!

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