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2021 EC Griffith Cup Boat display

Posted: 30 Mar 2021, 10:54
by retroboat
Good Morning all,
John Sullivan contacted me yesterday to advise me that Sun Country Car Club has invited us to display our boats with them on the Foreshore on Saturday 17th April,
We will need to have our Boats on the Foreshore and cars out between 7 and 8 am unless you have a classic car towing your Boat.
Could I please have an idea on numbers of members who would like to display a boat so John can let Sun Country Car Club know.
Please contact John Sullivan 0407324695 or myself 0448119749 so we can compile a list.
Regards Nathan

Re: 2021 EC Griffith Cup Boat display

Posted: 30 Mar 2021, 20:20
by rayza1
There's a good chance i can bring one, possibly Pagan towed by the Vangaurd. Will confirm as soon as i know for sure. Is it just a one day thing?

Re: 2021 EC Griffith Cup Boat display

Posted: 31 Mar 2021, 10:26
by WoodRay
I'm the same as Ray. One car and one boat at the moment.

Re: 2021 EC Griffith Cup Boat display

Posted: 31 Mar 2021, 12:52
by Alan
I can help with taking a boat if someone needs it.

Re: 2021 EC Griffith Cup Boat display

Posted: 31 Mar 2021, 18:54
by retroboat
Good Evening all,
I just spoke to John Sullivan and they are happy for our boats to be there sunday as well.
we can leave the boats there saturday night if we choose to which is fine providing they have security over night.
we will be situated beside the bar near the hydros.
i booked accommodation yesterday and it was pretty thin on the ground. so if you require accommodation you will need to get in early.
there are some houses available on the lake if people want to share that would be econnomical with numbers.

Re: 2021 EC Griffith Cup Boat display

Posted: 06 Apr 2021, 15:36
by rayza1
I can confirm our attendance, I will be towing Pagan up with the Vanguard all going well!! Can only do Saturday

Re: 2021 EC Griffith Cup Boat display

Posted: 15 Apr 2021, 18:59
by WoodRay
Manic day getting ready. Will finish packing tomorrow morn. Looking forward to catching up with some of the crew for a great weekend. Safe travels to one and all.

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Re: 2021 EC Griffith Cup Boat display

Posted: 15 Apr 2021, 21:03
by rayza1
We're about as ready as we can be, wasn't looking good at 10 pm last night with a leaking water pump and a chronic fuel blockage. A bit of love and care today has seen both problems solved (I HOPE). See you at Yarrawonga
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Re: 2021 EC Griffith Cup Boat display

Posted: 16 Apr 2021, 05:45
by Greg
Have a great weekend fellas. Should have been there with you, but alas . .

Re: 2021 EC Griffith Cup Boat display

Posted: 20 Apr 2021, 17:55
by WoodRay
Well it's another event done and dusted. Thanks to one and all who attended and or organised, and thanks to John Sullivan for being the hostess with the mostest! :D
It was great to hear a Merlin again. Something I haven't had the privilege of for sometime.
Here's my pics from the weekend.

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