Suggestion Box

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Suggestion Box

Postby WoodRay » 19 Jun 2021, 19:54

To all members and non members of CAWPBA.

As a committee member of CAWPBA, I feel the need to try and direct some more effort towards improving our membership numbers and participation/contributions to the club in general.

With that I am going to open a "suggestion box" here in the bulletin board, and on our Facebook page. I will also consult with Greg regarding if we can do this on our website.

I would like to start with these two points to get things rolling.
1. From a non-members perspective, I'd like to hear what we could do to improve that would make you join? What turns you off being in the club?
2. From members perspective, how can we increase participation rates and contributions to the club in both events, activities, and history? This would include participation and contributions to this bulletin board and the website.

I know this maybe at my peril, and I will possibly need a flak jacket at times, but I think it is something that would be good to utilise in that it gives everyone a voice at anytime, as well as something we can draw from to improve the club. If you wish to remain anonymous, then just PM me direct and I will pass it on. I will receive messages if someone has posted in this thread, so this will help me to continue to compile an ongoing working list for the committee.

Again the aim is to take suggestions so we can utilise them to improve the club. Nothing is concrete till it goes past the committee, as would be expected, but please don't be backward in making a submission.

Post away below peoples!

Thank you.

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Bob Vic
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Re: Suggestion Box

Postby Bob Vic » 20 Jun 2021, 14:02

Regarding point #2 (From members perspective, how can we increase participation rates and contributions to the club in both events, activities, and history? This would include participation and contributions to this bulletin board and the website.) I think that we as members need to accept some responsibility and generate traffic. I know that the views on my photos on this BB are quite strong but the comments are comparatively few. I put up frequent posts here for benefit of boatie members and the views of the photos support my perception that there is interest. But with very little comment. So how does the conversation progress amongst us if there is no comment It doesn't - it dies and very quickly. Facebook is a different deal altogether. My FB posts are far less frequent and coincide with milestones of the project. There are lots of views (although fewer collectively then for the BB views) but there are many more FB comments, in the main coming from non-member mates, boatie friends etc.

So my conclusion is that we must make the effort to help ourselves. If you see a post on this BB at the least, be proactive and make a comment. Even a single sentence. I think FB is a different beast and targets those on the outside looking in. Maybe the odd link across to the BB could assist our cause?

My 2 bobs worth.....

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Re: Suggestion Box

Postby WoodRay » 20 Jun 2021, 15:33

Yes that's a good point and a good idea Bob. That's something I can do easily as admin for the page. Thanks for your input.
Ironically this post has had 22 views with you being the first to comment. Are people no longer interested? I wonder.

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Re: Suggestion Box

Postby Bob Vic » 20 Jun 2021, 21:15

The solid number of views confirms interest IMO. Just need to take the next step and comment... IMO.

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Re: Suggestion Box

Postby Darren » 20 Jun 2021, 22:35

I am perplexed, views, no comments.
Yes it seems that people are happy to "check in" and then move on.
I agree with Bob, it requires a little effort from member's to comment.
We must help ourselves by keeping the board relevant and alive.
Then hopefully those "viewing" will join in.

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Re: Suggestion Box

Postby Alan » 21 Jun 2021, 12:54

It's a shame we don't have a "like" button on here, I feel that is one of the reasons people don't comment,

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Re: Suggestion Box

Postby retroboat » 21 Jun 2021, 17:56

Good Evening all,
I have to agree with Bob and Darren that there has not been much activity on the Bulletin board other than Bob, Craig, Ross and Ken. who are all busy with their restorations and could do with some encouragement a lot more often, it doesn't take much to write some words of encouragement.

I have nothing to contribute to the bulletin board as far as my projects go as I'm just way too busy at work to get to them, so perhaps people have been busy doing other things and there are just not a lot of projects happening at the moment.

As far as events go it has been difficult to put events on due to people being locked down and reluctant to commit to an event due to concerns they may need to rush home in the middle of the night. until this stops it is hard to predict what is going to happen down the track which could jeopardise an event being run.

Anyone can view the bulletin board by finding us on the internet but can't comment unless they are registered on the board so I think there are a lot of people just lurking in the background and its a shame they don't take the time to register with the board.

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Re: Suggestion Box

Postby rayza1 » 21 Jun 2021, 19:56

Hi Guys, in regards to comments on peoples projects i'm in agreeance. I'm a bit guilty of brushing over some of the posts and to be honest i don't know why i do !! I guess i just miss seeing people in the flesh so to speak... I fear this covid crap will hurt our club long term. I was talking with the president of our car club today and it's frustrating him no end that every event that is planned is cancelled before it has a chance to get off the ground. We're suffering the same thing, I for one just want a sense of normality.

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Re: Suggestion Box

Postby Chivs » 25 Jun 2021, 23:40

All good comments and positive!! I haven’t added to it because in my case I have had a fair input with lots of ideas with little progress. I am reluctant to join the committee etc because Tasmania is too isolated to be a truly active member however us isolated ones rely on this forum ( in my case more than Facebook) because of the ability to follow financial members who I know personally and value their friendship and what they have to offer. I have said this in the past but I get no value for money being a member but continue to be financial because I can not turn my back on those that I have met at the various get togethers who continue to keep the club afloat for all the right reasons, I’m not sure if the lack of comments is a true guide? I think since I have been a more than active member on this site there is only a handful of consistent contributors but a wise ex President did tell me when I had a bitch to him and his wife Jacqui about the lack of input on the forum he said” generally we are a quiet group who keep to themselves but only comment if it’s required!” That’s my experience but good luck with motivation etc I hope it works Craig cheers mate!

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Re: Suggestion Box

Postby WoodRay » 26 Jun 2021, 09:03

Thanks everyone so far for your valued comments. I am noticing that the bulk of the comments are leaning towards contributions to the bulletin board. Whilst it is one point of my initial post, there still lies the main issue of attracting and increasing membership, i.e. both old and new members. Please if you have any suggestions or can help in anyway it would be fantastic to hear from you. As the subject states, it's a suggestion box. It cant hurt to have your say. Thank you one and all for you input thus far.

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