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Re: Trivia

Posted: 23 Jun 2009, 22:43
by Sunbeam11
I'm sorry to mislead you Dave...... but Nicks absolutely absolutely correct in that Oxygen is the answer I had im mind.
To quote...." Corrosion resistance can however be adversely effected if the component is used in a non-oxygentaed environment, typical example being underwater keel-bolts buried in timber..chromium oxide is the invisible passivation layer that is formed when exposed to oxygen that keeps the lustrous and rust free look ". :geek:
I had a feeling the answer was just to obvious for you Dave... hey.... I am a simple man. ;)

Re: Trivia

Posted: 24 Jun 2009, 07:43
by Nick
I think we will let Dave's question stand though
what does VSBC stand for

Re: Trivia

Posted: 24 Jun 2009, 07:44
by Nick
I think we will let Dave's question stand though
what does VSBC stand for

Re: Trivia

Posted: 24 Jun 2009, 11:43
by bootlegger
I was a little confused with that question. I wasnt sure whether you were asking the content of SS or what needs to be there to make it rust.

Re: Trivia

Posted: 24 Jun 2009, 16:01
by Darren
Good to see you include your mexican mates!
VSBC could stand for: Victorian Sexy Boatowners Club.
But if I was a betting man I think the answer you were looking for was:
Victorian Speedboat Club.
BTW. The Whisky skiff answer was better than my answer.

Re: Trivia

Posted: 24 Jun 2009, 17:32
by Sunbeam11
Hey Dave..... no offence to Darren....but when I wrote "keep it simple" I meant keep the answer simple to the dont think too deeply about it.... although I was going to have a go at your so called "simple question" and say ...Victorian Ski Boat Club???? :roll:
As I said I'm a simple man :lol:

Re: Trivia

Posted: 24 Jun 2009, 19:01
by bootlegger
No worries Sunbeam. Buy the way out of curiosity when did the VSBC form? OK Darren whats your question?

Re: Trivia

Posted: 24 Jun 2009, 23:58
by Darren
The question is:
Stem, Tuck, Tumblehome.
Where are the "Lands"?

Re: Trivia

Posted: 25 Jun 2009, 20:07
by Jeff
Hopefully the Lands are not in contact with the Stem, Tuck or Tumblehome as you maybe high and dry. :shock:


Re: Trivia

Posted: 25 Jun 2009, 22:24
by Nick
Im not sure where the lands are
Im not sure what the lands are
I know where lands end is